Magic Bag is a technique for transforming into a character, whether it is an animal or a person with a particular occupation or profession. Magic Bag provides your children with the opportunity to think critically about the physical pieces and parts of that character – How many paws does a cat have? What equipment does a firefighter wear? -- and to explore how those pieces and parts are used in everyday life.
Watch the step-by-step video:
• Pull open the edges of the bag and peer inside.
• Express to your students that everything you need to become a dinosaur is inside the bag.
Get Items from the Bag
• Ask the students: What do we need to put on to become dinosaurs?
• Elicit verbal or physical responses from the children.
• After each suggestion, together as a class, pull that item out of the bag, put it on, and try it out. When possible, allow for student choice about color, size, placement, etc.
• Think about physical characteristics (fur, tails, ears, feet, noses, etc.) or specialized clothing (boots, hats, jackets, etc.).
• After you have completed the transformation to dinosaur, put the bag back into the ceiling and invite children to move around as that character.
Sample: “Look in the bag – everything that we need to become a dinosaur is inside! What is the first thing that we should put on to become a dinosaur? “a tail” Someone said a tail. Yes, we need a tail to become a dinosaur. Reach into the bag and pull out your tail. Is your tail big or tiny? Show me. Ok now that you have your tail put it on. Make sure it is attached tightly. Wiggle your dinosaur tails, and be careful not to hit your neighbor…”
Magic Bag is great for: