For Schools

School Drama Residency Programs

Young people learn best by participating in the world around them. Through drama, educators can take their curriculum off the printed page and into the world of the classroom so that children experience it directly.


Childsplay offers challenging and innovative programming for classroom experiences that meet the different needs and learning styles of students. Drama activities embedded in core academic curriculum provide new strategies for teaching and learning. Participatory, inquiry-based instruction by professional theatre teaching artists ensures that students develop critical and creative thinking skills, learn to work cooperatively, build social skills and self-confidence, gain appreciation for theatre as an art form and develop compassion and curiosity about the world around them




A one page printable case for drama in the classroom to share with your team CLICK HERE.


Research that advocates for arts integration in education, CLICK HERE.


Funding opportunities to support your classroom experiences, CLICK HERE

Creative Drama in Your Classroom

Childsplay offers challenging and innovative programming for drama-based classroom experiences embedded in core academic curriculum.


Creative Drama After-School

Childsplay After-School Programs are designed to take students on an engaging journey to explore new worlds, science, literacy or bolster social and emotional development through curriculum designed uniquely for your students and community.