Childsplay reaches thousands of children, teachers and families across Arizona each year with high quality theatre programming. Your contribution helps the organization reach as many children as possible through dynamic arts experiences specifically geared towards family and school audiences.
Support exceptional arts programming in Arizona and make your gift to Childsplay today!
Make the maximum impact with a monthly gift to Childsplay. Become part of our Wonder Funder community with an easy recurring gift!:
Or, make your one-time gift to one of the following designated funds:
Help Childsplay bring theatre experiences directly into schools, reaching children living at or below the poverty line.
Help Childsplay create original work for young audiences that speaks to the unique experience of growing up today.
Help Childsplay provide free tickets to children and families in need through community organizations.
Help Childsplay provide scholarships for young people who would not otherwise be able to attend camps and classes at the Childsplay Academy.