Gifts contributed during one fiscal year (July 1 to June 30)
Trail Blazer ................... $10,000
Adventurer .................... $5,000
Explorer ........................ $2,500
Storyteller ..................... $1,200
All outright gifts received during the fiscal year (including pledge payments) determine a donor's membership category for the following year.
Gifts contributed cumulatively over any time period.
Visionary ........................ $2,000,000
Transformer ................... $1,000,000
Innovator ....................... $500,000
Energizer ........................ $250,000
Originator ....................... $100,000
Pioneer .......................... $50,000
Developer ....................... $35,000
Promoter ........................ $20,000
All gifts, including those made to speical events, in honor of loved ones and to any other fundraising programs of Childsplay are included in a donor's cumulative giving total. Irrevocable planned gifts will also be included based on their face value.