Kids & Teens

One on One Coaching

Theatre, Musical Theatre, Film, Voice & Dance

Age 9 and up

30 Minute ($30) and 1 hour ($50) time slots. Available in one session or groups of four or ten sessions.

Learn technqinues, tips, tricks, and industry secrets from working theatre professionals in a one-on-one in-person or virtual setting. Our Childsplay instructors are passionate about sharing their insight with young people and helping them see their potential. Glean insight from one lesson, or sign up for multiple meetings and see how your student grows.


Follow the link to register online. Once registering, you will receive a link to a form where you can share your availability for meeting times.

Saturdays September 28th- November 23rd (no class on October 12th)
1:00- 3:00pm
Tuesdays February 4th- April 14th (No class on March 10th) 4:30- 6:00pm 
Saturdays March 21st- May 16th (no class on April 11th)



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