Age 6-10
9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Mar 10 - Mar 14
Mar 17 - Mar 21
Location: Campus of Imagination and Wonder 900 S Mitchell Drive Tempe AZ 85281
Price: $260.00
In-Class Sharing: 2:30 PM on the final day of class
Whether you're a seasoned trainer or a newcomer to the Poké universe, this class offers a thrilling blend of theatrical exploration and adventures. Develop characters inspired by iconic trainers and creatures, tackle improvisational challenges set in the Poké universe, and bring epic battles to life through creative performance.
These theatre classes target the interests of students ages 6-9 and focus on specific topics that participants explore in depth. Books, films, or tv shows establish the framework for students to develop their own ideas. Participants do not need to be familiar with the source material to enjoy a course. Lessons for this age group concentrate on acting and performance skills in addition to exploration of theme and story. The week culminates with an informal sharing of material developed and performed by the students. Classes accommodate a variety of skill levels, and students do not need previous drama experience to succeed in and enjoy this course.