Age 4-6
Mar 10 - Mar 14
Mar 17 - Mar 21
9 AM - 12 PM
Location: Campus of Imagination and Wonder 900 S Mitchell Drive Tempe AZ 85281
Price: $135.00
In-Class Sharing: 11:30 AM on the final day of class
From roaring like a T. Rex to dancing with a stegosaurus, Dino Drama sparks excitement and builds confidence as children explore their theatrical talents in a playful and supportive environment. Little explorers will stomp, sing, and roar their way through interactive storytelling, creative movement, and dinosaur-themed crafts.
Drama develops a child's creative thinking, cooperation, and literacy skills. In this class, stories launch exciting adventures. We create literature-based lessons and act along with students as they develop natural dramatic abilities through creative play, narrative pantomime, and story drama. Each week culminates with an informal sharing for caregivers on the last day of the course. This class is a perfect entry point for a student who is ready to play, laugh, learn, and explore through drama.