About Us

Katie McFadzen

Associate Artist


How would you define yourself?
Actor, teaching artist, fiery liberal, vegetarian, thrift store goddess, friend to dogs, wine-snob, sassy pants.
If you were a trucker, what would your call sign be?
Slacks McF
Contact: 480-921-5773 kmcfadzen@childsplayaz.org

How would you define yourself?

Actor, teaching artist, auntie, baby whisperer, fiery liberal, thrift store queen, vegetarian, nail polish addict, friend to dogs, yogi wannabe, pretend sommelier, sassypants.

If you were a trucker, what would your call sign be?

Slacks McF

What is the Halloween costume you’re most proud of?

This is the Halloween costume I am most proud of. Even though there was a witch hat on the mask, I was still wearing a witch hat. AND notice that I'm wearing a jacket under the costume...Wisconsin Halloween weather.

Contact: 480-921-5773 kmcfadzen@childsplayaz.org

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