Kids & Teens

Acting II: Future Filmmakers

Acting Essentials Class

Multi-Week Class

Age 6-9

10/19/2024 - 11/23/2024

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Location: Campus of Imagination and Wonder 900 S Mitchell Drive Tempe AZ 85281

Price: $135.00

Sharing: Saturday November 23rd at 11:15 AM


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This class, we'll practice the difference between acting on stage and acting on film. With the help of professional, students will create short filmed scenes to accompany their live sharing on the last day of class!


Acting Essentials engages body, voice, and imagination through a fast-paced curriculum of drama activities. Each class includes specific instructions in theatre skills, making every session unique. Acting Essentials may be repeated multiple times with new content, new challenges, and new opportunities for growth. Students do not need to have taken previous classes to succeed in this course. This class culminates to an informal in-class sharing on the last day of class.