Need to contact this teaching artist? Reach out to their supervisor at: bfallon@childsplayaz.org
Amanda Slade joined the Childsplay ensemble in 2022 as Teaching Artist and Music Director and is thrilled to teach musical theater to our young students. Productions Amanda performed in were Ensemble in Les Miserables (Show Low High School), Ensemble in Mary Poppins (Show Low High School), Mrs. Winthrop in The Secret Garden (Show Low High School), Rich Wife in A Christmas Carol (Chandler-Gilbert Community College), Storyteller in Once On This Island (Chandler-Gilbert Community College), Cinderella’s Stepmother in Into The Woods (Chandler-Gilbert Community College), Myrtle Webb in Our Town (Chandler-Gilbert Community College), Ghost of Christmas Future in A Christmas Carol (Chandler-Gilbert Community College). Productions Amanda has worked as either Hair and Makeup Designer, Design Assistant, Production Assistant, Assistant Director, and Director were Peter Pan Jr, Annie Jr, Into the Woods Jr (Poston Jr High School), Yes Virginia There Is A Santa Claus, Aladdin (East Valley Children's Theater). Amanda is a student at ASU pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Vocal Performance and a minor in Theater. She transferred from Chandler-Gilbert Community College and received a KCACTF nomination there. She teaches private voice lessons and finds time to audition for shows whenever possible.